The Arab League park: an oasis inside Casablanca

Despite the large dimensions of the economic capital of Morocco, Casablanca hides a place of peace and relaxation inside that breaks with the structure and rhythm of the metropolis. The park of the Arab League is the green lung of the city and is the claim for anyone who seeks some peace in the hustle and bustle. Its collection of different types of vegetation fill the city with value, being the vegetable treasure of Casablanca that every tourist should mark on their list of places to visit.

Located in the Boulevar Moulay Youssef, right next to a playground and the Sacred Heart Cathedral has a variety of trees. Among them are the incredible palm trees that run from north to south throughout the Arab League park, favoring a pleasant and, above all, fresh way for pedestrians.

The Arab League park is a good starting point if your intention is to visit the art galleries or also to have a drink. Although it is advisable to go during the day, passing through the area offers great security because it is surrounded by state security forces that control the area day and night.

It was inaugurated in 1918, so the Arab League Park has been a symbol of the city of Casablanca for over a hundred years. This place, ideal for walking, meditating, reading or just seeing, has just left its reconstruction, which has lasted between 18 and 24 months.

Another of his jewels, this huge space, in addition to palm trees, the Arab League park has a pond. In it, for a few months you can see water lilies and other exotic plants that make this place a perfect place to spend time in Casablanca, or as some call it “the oasis of Casablanca”.

According to visitor opinions, the best times to visit it is in the morning or at sunset as it invites you to walk at 22 degrees during the winter. Visitors consider it an excellent tourist attraction because of its good conservation of this 50 meter wide park.

Perhaps the most entertaining is the “L” formed by the section of Moulay Youssef Avenue from Hassan II Avenue to the Plaza de la Liga Árabe, where you can find numerous cafés with terraces where you can rest and spend an unforgettable time enjoying the atmosphere of the More pure Moroccan style.

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